Happy Thanksgiving FreedomCar Friends!

We took this photo from our dining room on April 11, 2020. Do you remember where you were in April, 2020? It’s so easy to forget how far we’ve all come. It’s even easy—we're afraid to admit—to forget those who weren’t able to complete the journey with us. Let’s not do that. We owe it to ourselves, and we owe it to them, to give thanks for where we all are now.

‌Below is a video we sent out a few months ago, a guaranteed four minute journey to gratitude and joy. It was taken during our summer staff party.

Please know that we at FreedomCar are grateful to each and every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mark Thistel
Robyne Lyles
(410) 321-5600  •   MAKE A RESERVATION
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