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Hello FreedomCar Friends,

“I’m sorry, we’re booked” is something we don’t like to say and you don’t like to hear, but FreedomCar drivers don’t grow on trees.

Unfortunately, neither do the types of sedans that so many of you prefer…

These days, “the trees” are growing vehicles like this...

And we have about as much choice about it as you would imagine, which is to say not much.

Until the labor market loosens up, and supply chains become more flexible, our ability to say “yes” to everything you need us to do is, increasingly, limited. Let’s work together on this:

  • If you wait until the last minute, understand that no matter how much we love you, you might be out of luck.
  • Please be flexible about your pick-up times and the type of vehicle acceptable to you. Right now we’re promising three things: It’ll be red, beautiful, on time, and as big or bigger than you need. Yes, we’ll help you into and out of it, and yes, these cost us (not you) more than a sedan would, but we’re not being casual about your preferences, it’s just all we’ve got.

We look forward to updating you with staffing and fleet updates next month. Progress is happening.

Thank you for choosing FreedomCar!

Mark Thistel
Robyne Lyles
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FreedomCar  |  1406 Shoemaker Road  |  Baltimore, MD 21209  |  United States  |  (410) 321-5600
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