(410) 321-5600  •   Make a Reservation

Hello FreedomCar Friends!

We are pleased to announce that FreedomCar has been approved for Federal relief under the Payment Protection Program (PPP) of the Second COVID-19 Economic Relief Bill, HR-113.  

This covers COVID testing costs for our staff, which we have incurred privately for months and off-set with a temporary 6% surcharge on all services instituted back in November. We have removed that surcharge effective immediately. Nothing could make us happier than to provide you with the same service you have come to expect for a reduced fee.

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Request a Detailing Quote

YES! We are taking many of you to get your vaccines and every FreedomCar staff member is COVID tested every week!*

*We can include you in our testing if you’d like. For details, call and ask to speak with Mark.

YES! Every FreedomCar is equipped with dividers, with separate ventilation for rear-seat passengers.

YES! We’re taking people and parcels—both carefully—to destinations distant as well as local. Book a Ride Today 

YES! Our auto-detailing was a holiday best-seller. Learn more about our detailing services

YES! We can handle the weather! 

(That’s the New Jersey Turnpike!)

We’re SO close, friends.
There’s progress every month. Stay vigilant, stay smart, and know that FreedomCar is well and on standby for when you need us.

We can’t wait to hear from you! 

Mark Thistel
Robyne Lyles
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FreedomCar  |  1406 Shoemaker Road  |  Baltimore, MD 21209  |  United States  |  (410) 321-5600
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