Hello FreedomCar Friends,

Everything seems new in the spring, and FreedomCar is no exception. We’ve got lots of new and exciting things going on over here! 

New! Reservation Page

We’re thrilled to announce a NEW and MUCH IMPROVED reservations page on our website. After months of design work and weeks of beta-testing, we’re officially calling it open for business. Give it a test drive! Tell us what’s working for you (thank you) and what isn’t (we’ll fix it)

Make a Reservation »

New! Team Health Suite

While every other company out there seems to be working urgently to divest themselves of physical facilities and encourage staff to work from home in their pajamas, FreedomCar is doing the opposite: We’ve always believed there’s no substitute for being present. 

Now we’re doing our part by providing all FreedomCar staff with a health suite they can use to stay fit and stay centered. It’s still getting finishing touches (the meditation room isn’t entirely together and those walls need more art), but we’re really proud of this, and equally proud not to be part of the current rush toward remote work.

Stay tuned...

Next month’s project: Wrap our buildings in a mural that’s going to knock your socks off! We’ll let you know when it’s done so you can come by and celebrate with us.

Spring has sprung, FreedomCar friends. 
As always, we thank you for your support.

Mark Thistel
Robyne Lyles
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FreedomCar  |  1406 Shoemaker Road  |  Baltimore, MD 21209  |  United States  |  (410) 321-5600
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