Dear *|FNAME|*,
Every year, as our complement to the Oscars and the Grammys, we award the best performances by our most distinguished employees. We have always believed it’s important to recognize the efforts of our team—and part of that is making sure you also see what it takes to make the FreedomCar cut.

The Streak
The award for the highest number of consecutively performed problem-free services.

2019 WINNER: Tom Cook
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1,358 error-free Services between October 3, 2016 and December 9, 2019.
The Greatest Shift
The award for the best/longest/biggest single shift/service.

2019 WINNER: Michael Goodman
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The best single two-week payroll period performance we saw in 2019, totally error-code-free, where Michael proved he's got the stamina, aplomb, grace-under-fire and ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
The Unsung Hero
The award for truly significant performance, seen by few, done quietly and perfectly.

2019 WINNER: Jamil Nasir
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1019 Services in 2019, a Trouble Index 0.05%, 50 positive passenger reviews and a PERFECT safety record...virtually all of which was performed before most of us get up in the morning.
The award for a year of performance the quantity and quality of which, in combination, exceeded that of anyone else.

2019 WINNER: Scott Pahl
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 945 Services in 2019, a Trouble Index 0.03%, 50 positive passenger reviews, 15 "Great Saves," a PERFECT safety record (including one harrowing moment with a deer) and one citizen RESCUE.
Career Achievement
The award for outstanding performance on the part of a FreedomCar driver who has compelling and competing responsibilities outside of work.

2019 WINNER: Jim Folden
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 5681 Services as a Part-Time Driver since October 2004, always epitomizing FreedomCar’s culture as caring, selfless and detail-oriented...we don’t know what we’d do without him.
Congratulations to these members of our team.

This is just a glimpse at the level of commitment and dedication our team puts forth every day to make FreedomCar service unparalleled. These awards, given semi-annually at our company parties in December and July, carry no cash value. We give no more than five or six at any one time, to a staff of 51 highly accomplished and deserving employees. Each award represents a mix of quantitative and qualitative attributes, determined by metrics we’ve designed to measure performance and character. No one is guaranteed anything except the likelihood that they will not receive one. All of this makes the winning of any award a cause for great admiration on the part of all members of our staff.
Thank you for helping to make 2019 such a great year. We hope we’ve returned the favor.
All the best,